Learn to be your Highest Version of yourself even if you're unconvinced you have a SOUL. 


Course Enrollments close on July 14, 2020



Rocking peace-joy for a lifetime by resting in our HIGHER SELF without the LOWER STUMBLING BLOCKS and traumas that cause our back-office DISASTERS. 

The deepest truth is that you have a binary choice in your very root belief: is your environment designed or is it a random-happenstance.  Via correct exploration of physics and mind-body science it becomes 100% objectively clear that you are truly in a creation and that this creation can already be well described.

In this course you are given an objective process to prove to yourself that you have a non-local (or beyond time-space) portion of your self that is your HIGHER SELF.  This is broken down in more detail in later courses and for curious students.  

Further, and to the point, we find our SOUL will communicate with us more clearly and often as we RISE IN ENERGY.  This course gets you there.  (Meet the Universe Half-Way).

Now the BONUS of this self-actualization project is that your frequency rise will demand you master your form: to perfect your body, your posture, your movement, and your vitality.  A DOUBLE BONUS will eventually bring you to a subtle energy sensitivity and overall activation.  

We call this HOT LIKE A SKILLET - being the you that you ARE; unfiltered, full voltage.


6month dedicated effort to stabilize the next-level powerfully potent playbook and perspective

Special offer! Apply now and get a 55% discount !

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

After 6 months you will have entered into a deeper truth and stabilized next-level perspectives.  Your body and awareness will have heated up.  Having seen the shadow more fully and alchemized at the roots, you will be on the UP for life. 


No More Mr Nice Guy - understand what you are up against


Light-up your interiors and enjoy the ocean of experience that is your birthright!


Move out of anxiety and heal your neorosis to earn your resting in an expanded-distributed energy state


Master your energy so you set frequency for a room and look like a snack to boot :)


The 6months are HIGHLY STRUCTURED to ensure RESULTS.


Module 1: Wordlview

The next-level physics and mind-body studies delivered short and concise.  This delivers the utmostly crucial TRUTH (best approximation to date) that opens the doors to the things that matter most.


Module 2: Crossing the Bridge

Your objective path for proving the truth or your higher self in your experience.  This is the next-level that earns you gains (exponentially) in all areas of life.


Module 3: Dreamtime

Advanced methods in working with your dreams to receive messages from your higher self.


Module 4: Gut Reset and High Octane Diet

Nutrition tactics delivered from the frontiers of wellness.  Cleanse kit and lifetime habbits for optimal gut microbiome and muscle growth!  Look and feel your best with ease.  


Module 5: Psychology Growth

Work with your Soul to master the lessons in front of you.  Dive into the roots of your shadow and learn to alchemize your stubborn sabotage into your future wisdom.  End state: much higher voltage expression.


Module 6: Somatics

Body tools to light up your interiors and begin to activate your subtle energy gains.  This is your feminine energy coming online and the path to move from a dot in your head to a pulsing energy field intimately interacting with its environment.  


Module 7: Deep Meditation

A physical form of meditation you can acheive in the course of this program - a physical tingling charging that is your CENTER and your HOME STATION.

About The Course Teacher,
Will Vogelgesang [FIRST]

Will studied Physics at Rice and worked 6 years in Healthcare Software as a leader and manager.   He began a self-actualization process triggered by life-tension at age 22.  10 years later his third eye is on and he predicts the future with ease.

Will's medicine is a scientific, rational, verifiable path to break through the barriers to become fully integrated with your higher selves.  

Simply: he helps people become healthy and happy.

Will's training includes a Yoga Teacher certification, body work & somatics training, shamanistic studies in South America, Africa and North America, Zen training and first-hand initiation into multi-dimensional self-hood.

Here’s what people are saying about the course instructor

Will is the special assignment  BRIDGE BUILDER for MILLENNIAL MEN

Brad Klein

Software Engineer,


I affectionately think of Will as a dolphin mentor. He is playful, he is wise...

...and I often find I feel a better mammal after swimming with his pod.

And he catalyzes the same in others – I’ve observed my mental manuevers shift into overdrive during our conversations, and he tends to bring out an exquisite poetry in me that lurks latent otherwise.

He does and sparks all of this while seeming to exude nothing but himself:  another questing warmblood on this rock, with a fierce passion to share what love and energy he can.

Dean Curphey

Doctor, Musician

Will imparts wisdom that is essential...

Will shares commonalities with many great spiritual teachers: Kindness, patience, integrity, peace and a great deal of Love and Joy. Yet he is unique in his both his background experience and his character.

Will has had the privilege to appreciate some profound aspects of reality as they are represented in leading edge of mathematics. He’s also a veteran psychonaut and he has reconciled his many experiences with his extensive philosophical readings and research.

Despite his substantial experience in the pursuit (both conventional and radical) of the great reality, Will is innately playful and lighthearted. He always seems to be frolicking on some level. His lively nature resonates with some important part of who I am. He has an honesty venerability that is contagious, freeing, and a powerful catalyst for spiritual growth.

I can’t recommend him highly enough

Mitelan Kumarisari

IT Specialist, Ayurvedic Practicioner

Will is a great teacher and coach!

I definitely recommend him for spiritual growth and renewal. Will imparts his knowledge with a dash of humor and levity which keeps it light while growing at the same time.

Recommended if you come from a science/objective background and are interested in taking a dip into the spiritual waters.

Equally recommended if you come from an established subjective spiritual experience and looking for some grounding.

His deft balance of objectivity, belief, spirituality, and levity provides buoyancy in navigating the deeper depths of the spiritual waters. Balanced on the Yin (feminine / deontological / collective coordination) / Yang (masculine / utilitarian / individual expression), with a slight leaning towards the Yang expression.”


Full price for the 6 months including group coaching and structued process is $1500.  This has been dicsounted 55% off to $700 for the 2020 version of the course.  

The intention is for this program to add 10-100 fold the cost of the course as value to your life (no we are not exaggerating).  If done properly this should generate health for decades at a level far beyond what could elewise be acheived, due to the proper inclusion of spirit and the wholistic approach.

The ability to architect your life with the assistance of your soul is quite literally priceless.

This committment is also strtegicly FUEL to ensure you enjoy 6 months at an accelerated pace and stabilize higher habbits for a lifetime.  With group support we DEFEAT the lower resistance by a set of strategic moves, and grasshoppers thus are we.

The advanced option (WHICH HAS THE RETRETAT) is ALSO DISOUNTED at the same rate!. 

Full course

6 Month Structured Group + Individual Coaching



  • Platform Jump for Life
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules

Full Course AND Sedona Retreat +



  • Additional 1:1 Coaching
  • 4 Day Group Retreat in SEDONA
  • Platform Jump for Life
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
FULL course

6 months of Group + Individual Coaching



  • Platform Jump for Life
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules

Full Course AND Sedona Retreat +



  • Additional 1:1 Coaching 
  • 4 Day Group Retreat in Sedona
  • Platform Jump for Life
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules

Course Enrollments close on July 14, 2020


Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say about working with Will

Absolutely the right decision for moving forward in the right way

Nate Taylor

Technical Writer,


Before working with Will, I thought my professional career was at odds with my artistic pursuits.

I felt lost and stifled in outlets that used to bring me the most joy. Will helped me reconcile these aspects of the self, gain clarity on the life that is most meaningful for me, and define clear steps to achieve it.

He coached me to develop healthy habits and eliminate the ways I was obstructing and inhibiting my own self-expression. I’ve gained confidence to make decisions and take action from a foundation of hope and love instead of one built on fear and insecurity. As an artist, this was fundamental to finding my new voice, focusing my vision, and feeling reinvigorated in my work. I’m thrilled to report I have more creative projects going right now than in the last 5 years combined.

The program has also facilitated a sort of “re-awakening” of my dream life, which is essential to my art. I was able to transition from years of restless sleep and not remembering dreams at all to regularly having dreams where I connect deeply with different dimensions of the self—dreams that profoundly inform my waking life. I’m eternally grateful for the catalyst Will provided in this regard.

Wherever you are on your journey, Will can provide that extra push of support, in addition to acting as a limitless resource for tools, techniques, and wisdom. Working with will has energized me for the (much-anticipated) second act of my life

Anand Sunandram

Software Engineer,


He is a fiery spirit.... curiousity and humility

For someone who feels called to instruct  others in spiritual matters – a path that requires a great deal of conviction in oneself – Will retains a wealth of curiosity and humility.

He is a fiery spirit who believe passionately what he believes, and promotes his convictions with courageous ferocity, yet he is capable of listening so well that the moments in which I have expressed my own thoughts with the best combination of nuance and clarity have often come in conversations with him.

Few people possess such balanced combinations of these qualities

Matt Fredrickson

Financial Advisor,

Political Theorist

Will’s lessons provide a comprehensive, results-driven approach to anyone trying to improve their spiritual life.

 His teachings fuse classic spiritual theologies and hard scientific evidence, which is a refreshing way to practice spiritual growth.  

I thought I knew a lot about spirituality before I applied Will’s methods and techniques.  

After just a brief time of practicing Will’s suggestions, I could feel my health improve, my energy vibrate at a higher frequency, and challenged to improve my spiritual life even further and get rid of complacency

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time per week is alloted?

One hour a week of group work!  The rest is designed to  FIT INTO even a high-octane work schedule (as many of the men do have).  That said the more you get in there and work it the better: we are doing a physical project, and every week there is homework.  Roughly 1 hr a day could be spent on this!  Days off are allowed except a phase where we go for deep meditation states (Samhadi) [although even there you can afford a few off days]

How do the group calls work?

We use Google Hangout and there is always prep and then we aim for structured discussion.  

All calls are recorded for group members to view and in certain cases, if a student misses, I will do a 1:1 with them and at times, too, I will have them discuss with another student.

What is the Sedona Trip about?

September 18-September 22 we have a trip for $220 for group members (plus shared expenses).  Camping and one Shaman day with ritual at night.  Fasting that day but feasts a few times as well.  Full-on Galactic will be explored here and much structured activity designed to get the most out of you.

What is available after the 6 months?

We have a second program for full-on third eye activation that is more closely alligned around 1:1 mentorship with some group engagement as well.  This program usually takes a few years, but is worth its salt in GOLD.  Full-on advice from your spirit every day.

Full course

6 Month Full-On Group + Individual Coaching



  • Platform Jump for Life
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules

Full Course AND Sedona Retreat + 



  • Additional 1:1 Coaching
  • 4 Day Group Retreat in Sedona
  • Platform Jump for Life
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules


THE FIERCE dedicate a life to lighting up - living deep truths - being creative and opening to our STRONGEST and HIGHEST.

GAIA has deep fire and meeting that is our chosen task.

For One and for All.

The glory is upstairs - all is recorded - our score there is our joy here, in demonstratable fact,
